Saturday, November 24, 2018

Find Your Balance

It seems like such a simple thing, balance. It sounds like an important thing to have and we all want balance but yet, it may be more elusive than we realize. One of the things my guides often have to remind me to do is to find my balance. Sure enough, if I check in with my chakra system, I can literally sense the imbalance. Things are leaning heavily to one side, chakras are blocked, you name it. This can be a surprise to see but really if we think about our busy, frequently hectic schedules and the demands we place on ourselves we can begin to see how we can quickly become imbalanced.

What causes this is stress, worry, fear, overactivity, poor diet, negative thinking, lack of self-direction as in doing what you feel others want you to and many other issues. Anything that leaves you feeling overextended or out of sorts is an imbalance. Finding your balance is all about honoring what feels right to you. Maybe you have to work a little less or play a little more. Maybe it’s about getting more exercise or sleep. It can be about how you think, such as worry thoughts or racing mind. If you have trouble with boundaries you may be allowing others to crowd you, to take more than you can give.
Remember you are in control, even though in life it may seem otherwise, it is you who determines how you react to things. One of the most common ways that we throw ourselves out of balance is by letting ourselves react in a negative way to someone else’s negativity. It can be tempting, someone cuts you off in traffic, someone is rude to you, someone you are close to is short tempered. All of these things can make us feel anger, upset, we may be very tempted to lash out, yet that isn’t going to help the matter and it is certainly going to cause you to fall out of balance.

Instead, reach within, to your center, some people are drawn to their midsection, others to their heart, wherever just go there. Feel yourself seated, in the present moment, allow any upset to fade, focus on being here, now. It may help to ground yourself, focusing on your feet, visioning them having roots that run deep down into our mother earth. Now, allow your vision to go back up to your core, see the light there, watch the light expand outward, into the space around you, you are covered by it. This light also extends up, to your higher self, your guides, and the divine. Let this all mingle in your center, let all of this become your present reality.

This is how you become balanced once more. We are all constantly bombarded with energy, other peoples thoughts, actions, our own thoughts, and actions, and it’s normal to become out of whack as a result. If we are able to have the dexterity, we can regain our balance, and then things fall into a space of ease. We can move more fluidly through our life as a result. Find your balance and do it often, this will help you align with your soul, your path and your highest potential. Namaste.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Depression: Is Your Soul Trying To Send You A Message?

We hear the word depression and think it's a negative, it's a bad thing, it's something to run from. We, society, has labeled it as such. The overall consensus is that when we feel bad something is wrong and we must fix it, at once! We are embarrassed by it, we feel we have somehow failed and we are ashamed. There is so much stigma attached to depression that it creates feelings of alienation from others. 

There are more people experiencing depression than we realize, in fact, according to the World Health Organization, 300 million people worldwide suffer from it. It is not so much a thing to push away, repress, or ignore, as anyone who has suffered from depression knows it doesn't go away like that. Instead of deciding that depression is negative, let's entertain the idea that it might be something more. Depression is a strong emotion, it is actually a combination of emotions, they are fed by your thoughts, these thoughts create an emotional response and this response becomes over time a pattern, this then becomes a belief. 

Now let us consider all of this in a different light. To do so let's get a better look at you. You are here, having an incarnation, we know that much, you have a physical body and you are living in physical reality. Yet, there is more to you than this. You also have an eternal soul, that part of you that will go on after this life and has lived many, many lives before this one. That part of you is here with you in this present moment. It is seeing and feeling everything that you are. You are a projection of your own soul. Which means there is never any separation from your soul, or higher self, ever. Your soul has a plan for this lifetime, it has to do with your life purpose, life lessons, soul contracts and the like. It has a path in mind for you to walk here and the choices you make either put you on that path or deviate you from it. The path is intricate, it's anticipated that you will make many choices that enrich it, even ones we might call mistakes, which can be our greatest teachers. However, the path can be stalled, ignored or even downright lost. This is when our soul comes to us and loudly starts sending us messages when these messages are ignored long enough, we can feel depressed or anxious. We sense something is wrong, we just think it's something other than what it truly is. 

We blame our relationship, job, the town we live in, the family we were born into, it's not that these things aren't factoring in, but it's more than that. It is often that we are failing to check in with ourselves and feeling what we need to. To hear ourselves out, through feeling, knowing or any other type of connection to our inner self is critical to staying on our soul path. We are here for the purpose of living our soul's plan, in order to do this, we must listen to our higher self. 

Start today, ask yourself, what do I truly want? When is the last time you asked yourself that? Find the answer through feeling, knowing, trust what you get. Build from there step by step and become authentic in your choices, in your beliefs, and in your actions. You are your soul, right now, today, in this moment, you are your soul, know yourself and you will walk a happy path. Not only that, you will walk a meaningful and authentic path each and every day.