Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Fun Facts About the Angels and How to Deepen Your Connection With Them

I work with a lot of angels, they each have their own distinct personalities, they help in different areas of life but each one goes far beyond their area of expertise. For example, Archangel Michael can help with courage but he can also help us to align with our higher path, and a little known fact is that he is very good with mechanical issues, so when you are in need of repairing something call on Michael. He may give you ideas, or lead you to a video, or even just straight out help you see what the matter is. Here are a few more fun facts about the angels:

Gabriel as I commonly see him is a serious, let’s get to work angel, he likes communication and meeting deadlines. Gabriel has a softer side that often comes out in readings but our connection has always been more business-like. Even if Gabe does appear softer to others he has another side that isn’t as well known and that is his creative side. He loves to help us get in touch with our creative spirit, he doesn’t care how we do it, writing, art, crafts, cooking, sewing, inventing, woodworking, metalworking, he just wants us to get in touch with it and go.

Raphael is well known for being a healer angel, but he is also very passionate about animals and the earth, their well being is paramount to our well being, he sees all things very clearly as connected and if healing is to occur within us it must also occur within the earth and the animal beings on the planet. Think of Raphael as the great balancing angel, who wants to bring balance for all living beings, including our mother earth.

Chamuel is known for new beginnings and shining a spotlight on what we need to see, he also helps us out with love but did you know he loves to hang out? He can help you out in the kitchen, watch tv with you, or just shoot the breeze. I learned this while going through a very trying time emotionally, his soothing, calming presence throughout the day helped me to feel balanced and have more clarity. Chamuel is one of my very favorite angels to work with, he can even help you find missing items like lost keys or your favorite shirt that has gone missing, just ask him and he will help you find it.

Azrael is known as the angel of transition and to some the angel of death, but that scary title is hiding a very amiable, approachable easy to work with angel. Azrael loves to hear us talk, you can spill about anything with him, he knows that often there is a lot pent up inside and before we can make transitions, we have to let it out. He’s part counselor, part friend and 100% loving, devoted angel.
Cassiel is an angel that helps us with comfort, he can help us through some of our darkest hours, many do not know that he has a very playful side, Cass can bring things to you to make you laugh (tv shows, friends, memes, if you can see it he will bring it to you) he loves seeing us smile and he will go to no ends to make it happen.

Metatron is the big guy who oversees the Akashic Records and is the holder of many profound metaphysical truths. He is also a very kind, patient, angel who is ready and willing to answer any of your questions. Have a question about a past life, ask away. Have a question about the meaning of life, Metatron is your guy. He reminds me of a scholarly professor, but a really large mystical one, most of us have soul memories of him, while we plan each lifetime, he is always there popping in to consult with us. In other words, you know him better than you think you do, so go ahead ask him questions in mediation, his door is always open. Metatron can help you with time, when you are late for an appointment or are pressured by a deadline, ask Metatron to help you bend time, it really works!

You may be wondering how does this work? The truth is we can all talk to angels or any guide. We all have our own unique way of hearing them. Meditation is one way and it can be a very direct way, but a lot of my communication with angels happens outside of mediation. If I have a problem, I say I need help (depending on what it is I will ask a different angel). Recently I needed help with money, I didn’t know which angel to ask and I wasn’t getting anywhere with my spirit guide. Chamuel came into my mind, and that’s how it starts, a thought of the angel, think of it like a phone call from them. I said, ok Chamuel help me with the money issues, I had had a great number of bills come in but was not earning very much and it had gone on for much longer than normal. First, he helped me by showing me a very useful article about money, this opened my mind quite a bit, then he helped me see that due to events that have been happening for months, I had slipped into old patterns of lack around money. The good work I had done before these trying events had been forgotten as when I was put into situations of struggle my mind went to struggle patterns in response. I immediately saw how I had made that shift in thinking and how different the results were for me not just with money but all things in life, everything had taken on a tone of lack. This is how Chamuel sends a bright light into our hearts and minds, he helps us have aha moments.

Let me elaborate a little more when I say Chamuel showed me an article, this took several days. I was searching for online magazines to submit articles, I had no intentions on reading any articles but one article about money jumped out at me and I opened it to read later. Several days passed and I still had not read the article, it was when I got another jolt of lack and fear and remembered to ask for help again that Chamuel (and perhaps a few others guides) pushed me, I had a sharp clear image of that article and I went to my laptop and read it dutifully. Follow those nagging urges, those repeated thoughts about something you can read, or someone to call, a project you can pick up again, or a class you want to take. These are often communication from your guides outside of meditation that can propel you along your path.

Give it a try, next time you have a problem, or just to work on your communication with the angels, reach out to one of them, the one that you resonate most within the moment and ask them to join you on your journey. You may find that you never want them to leave!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Soul Contracts

When we plan our incarnation, we make many agreements with others. Think of your past lives as a collection, there have been many people that you know, many things you have done. A lot of which has not been completed, it is unfinished business. As such, when we plan an incarnation, we have a sort of to-do list to complete, things we want to finish up, or sometimes things we want to do more of, to build on.

Soul contracts are what they sound like, an agreement with someone and this person can be incarnated like us or they can be a guide. We can have past life association with our guide(s), or they can be someone that we work with on the other side and want to connect with here to help us with our soul’s goals for this lifetime. Either way, the contract brings us together so that we can complete the work within its four corners.

Most soul contracts can be completed within in this life, others, however, may take several lives. On a  soul level, we know that going on and we have no issue with it. We know that the direction we go in and the amount of wisdom we gain will help us reach our goals. This easy attitude about a contract is a little different than how we may view them here in physical reality where we often do not understand our contracts and may feel upset in various forms as a result. We can adjust this by understanding that the people we cross paths with are there because we have a contract for it. We have a soul level agreement to exchange something, some of these things may be pleasant and some unpleasant such as betrayals, or some type of hurt and upset but from the level of the soul what we would label good or bad are equally important learning experiences. Remember, the soul does not judge, it is outside of duality where there is no need to judge, so the concept of good and bad does not exist on that level. This can perhaps, shed some light on the stuff of which your contracts contain.

To learn about your soul contracts in a personalized reading click here

Soul contracts are found in all areas of life, we have them with family, friends, romantic partners, even our pets. As mentioned, they can also be with guides. Soul contracts with a romantic partner or a parent or child are often the most intense contracts, they offer us so very much in the way of healing and growing. It is important to remember that we heal and grow through difficult situations a lot of the time. Having an alcoholic parent or a spouse that cheated on us are examples of contracts that help us to heal and grow. We grow from the negative experience and we change as a result of it. We work on lessons such as forgiveness, self-love, and acceptance. We change as a result of our experiences with another, in meaningful ways, we can become more awakened, more connected to our higher self or guides or simply become a more compassionate, aware person.

Soul contracts exist for the purpose of our growth, we all have them, they are a part of the soul’s plan. We can help ourselves to complete them by connecting to our higher selves and following what feels right, what resonates for us. We can, in essence, get out of our own way and accomplish what our soul intended for this lifetime in that way. This makes life feel easier, less of a struggle. We didn’t come here to struggle with our contracts we came here to live them. We do that by flowing with the experience rather than to resist it. With allowing for the present to open up for us, letting go of the past, being in the moment. This is how we free ourselves, this is how we live in alignment with our soul.

This article was originally featured in my newsletter, click here if you are interested in signing up and receive an ebook on connecting with your guides as a thank you gift.