When we plan our incarnation, we make many agreements with others. Think of your past lives as a collection, there have been many people that you know, many things you have done. A lot of which has not been completed, it is unfinished business. As such, when we plan an incarnation, we have a sort of to-do list to complete, things we want to finish up, or sometimes things we want to do more of, to build on.
Soul contracts are what they sound like, an agreement with someone and this person can be incarnated like us or they can be a guide. We can have past life association with our guide(s), or they can be someone that we work with on the other side and want to connect with here to help us with our soul’s goals for this lifetime. Either way, the contract brings us together so that we can complete the work within its four corners.
Most soul contracts can be completed within in this life, others, however, may take several lives. On a soul level, we know that going on and we have no issue with it. We know that the direction we go in and the amount of wisdom we gain will help us reach our goals. This easy attitude about a contract is a little different than how we may view them here in physical reality where we often do not understand our contracts and may feel upset in various forms as a result. We can adjust this by understanding that the people we cross paths with are there because we have a contract for it. We have a soul level agreement to exchange something, some of these things may be pleasant and some unpleasant such as betrayals, or some type of hurt and upset but from the level of the soul what we would label good or bad are equally important learning experiences. Remember, the soul does not judge, it is outside of duality where there is no need to judge, so the concept of good and bad does not exist on that level. This can perhaps, shed some light on the stuff of which your contracts contain.
To learn about your soul contracts in a personalized reading click here
Soul contracts are found in all areas of life, we have them with family, friends, romantic partners, even our pets. As mentioned, they can also be with guides. Soul contracts with a romantic partner or a parent or child are often the most intense contracts, they offer us so very much in the way of healing and growing. It is important to remember that we heal and grow through difficult situations a lot of the time. Having an alcoholic parent or a spouse that cheated on us are examples of contracts that help us to heal and grow. We grow from the negative experience and we change as a result of it. We work on lessons such as forgiveness, self-love, and acceptance. We change as a result of our experiences with another, in meaningful ways, we can become more awakened, more connected to our higher self or guides or simply become a more compassionate, aware person.
Soul contracts exist for the purpose of our growth, we all have them, they are a part of the soul’s plan. We can help ourselves to complete them by connecting to our higher selves and following what feels right, what resonates for us. We can, in essence, get out of our own way and accomplish what our soul intended for this lifetime in that way. This makes life feel easier, less of a struggle. We didn’t come here to struggle with our contracts we came here to live them. We do that by flowing with the experience rather than to resist it. With allowing for the present to open up for us, letting go of the past, being in the moment. This is how we free ourselves, this is how we live in alignment with our soul.
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