Monday, July 14, 2014

Sending Out An S.O.S. for Spiritual Help

We've all been there, when it feels like the world is caving in on you. Everything that can go wrong has, your car breaks down, your relationship sucks and the dog just had an accident on your new shoes. It often seems like bad luck hits us in heaps and it can really cause a person to feel picked on. It makes you feel alone, forgotten and utterly frustrated at life. This is the time to send out an SOS, the spiritual kind.

I have learned from doing professional intuitive readings, I am not the only person with problems, everyone has them. People come to me with their problems, dilemmas, life long issues, and other related questions and I professionally send out an SOS and get answers for them. Anytime you are feeling lost, picked on, confused or challenged by the difficulties of life you call for help too.

Not sure how to send an SOS to the spiritual realm? It's easy first pick who it is you want to ask to help you, I don't want to tread on any toes here but to give a few examples: God, Mother/Father God, Creator, Guru Rinpoche, Tara, Mary, Jesus, Kuan Yin, any Archangel (Michael is good with emergencies), Vishnu, Kali, Shiva, any animal totem of your choice. It isn't important who it is what matters is that you feel close to them. Next, reach out, send the SOS, ask for help. List your grievances, explain your probelms, worries, concerns, anger, frustration, let it all loose. then let it go and wait for answers or solutions to arrive.

This is where some people get tripped up. They go on complaining, worrying, and being angry, guilty and so on about the mess they are in and they literally block out the guidance meant to help them. Imagine being a guardian angel for someone like this, you hear their prayer, you send them an answer say in the form of a song on the radio, the song is telling them, "Come on Get Happy" or "Shake Your Groove Thing" why? It's supposed to get in and help lift the mood, so more guidance will come in. SOS's are often answered in stages because the problems that we find ourselves in are complex and we need to take a few steps to get out of the mess. The first step is always to change your mood, change the frequency you are broadcasting out to the world. If you don't you will get more of the same. So, imagine once again you are the guardian angel sitting their beside your human, frustrated because he didn't catch the radio sign. Ok you say I will send him a sign in a dream. So you create an elaborate dream with just the words of guidance he needs to hear and what happens? He stayed up late watching netflix and now he has overslept and is late for work and doesn't have the time to eat breakfast let alone remember his dream. Okay 0-2 one more chance you, the guardian angel, tries a more blunt technique this time, while in the elevator at work you inspire someone to say to her friend the exact guidance your human needs to hear. Finally this time he hears it. He even thinks about it as he walks to his desk, then as he sits down at his computer he gets distracted by an email about online dating. He thinks to himself, I will find someone else to share my misery with... Don't be this guy! Once you have sent out an SOS, stop the mental barrage of thoughts about the situation. They will only drown out the signs that are trying to get through.

Next step, once you receive the guidance don't shrug it off! Follow the guidance and more will come. Don't expect your answer to come in a certain form, that is another way that people end up thinking they aren't being heard because when they asked for a raise it didn't come. They may have been given signs for a solid week about a different job that would be far more financially lucrative but went unheard and unseen because the person decided what the outcome of their prayer would be a raise at this job. That isn't how it works all of the time. Sometimes the answer to our SOS is a big change and we can shut out those answers out of fear of change. This is a common occurrence so be open to what you are receiving and if your answers are indicating big changes then pray for help to have the courage to handle them. Pray for it to come in smaller stages and for the process to be one of great peace and joy. Finally, and this is the most important of all steps, trust that the guidance is never ending that you can continue to ask and receive always. That there is an open connection between you and source and not only are you heard but you are answered.  The spiritual help SOS is a line that is always open no matter what time day or night and it is yours to use as often as you require.

If you would like an SOS Reading click here

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Monday, July 7, 2014

The Wall

For anyone that has done a little inner work you will know what I mean by the wall or often walls. Those pesky things that get in the way of our progress as we reach towards our goals of healing and spiritual progress. Why do they exist? What are they made of? Most of all how can we get through them and live a more uninterrupted life one where the energies of life flow through us and without any obstacles.

These are important questions. I remember seeing my first wall in someone else. It was a boyfriend I loved very much and no matter how much I loved him, he wouldn't let me past his walls. It didn't occur to me until later that I too had walls. Most of us do, I am pretty sure all of us do in some areas unless of course we have worked very hard at healing them.

Why do they exist? That's probably the easiest of the questions, because we want to keep people out. Depending on the size and width of the wall we may want to keep everyone out or just some people. Kind of like having a public or private setting on a social media account. However, we are often not even aware of our walls let alone who we are keeping out because of them.

What are they made of? Traumas, emotional blocks, fears, egoic energy that pretends to be protecting us but is really cutting us off from others and from source. Walls feel like static energy and when you hit one in yourself or another person you will get defensive behavior and resistance. In yourself you will come up with all sorts of reasons why you are behaving this way but in the end if you are resisting something, fearful of it and acting defensive about why you are behaving in this way, it's a wall.

How can we get through them? Here's the important part, how indeed do we move through a wall, let it go, release it. Remember you don't want to label anything in yourself as bad, it is best to accept it even if it is painful and not to reject it. If it is rejected it will only come back in some other way to try for healing and acceptance again. There is the wall, you have identified it you have some idea of what it is made of but you are not sure how to move past it. What the walls within us need the most is for us to see them, for us to observe what we are doing. To see that oh here is some part of myself I have cut off. Why did I do that? I am sure at one time there was a good reason but now it is time to accept this part of yourself once more and to tear down the wall. So that the flow of life can move smoothly through you once again. To do this first you observe, then you accept, next you heal. Healing comes in different forms for different people. Furthermore, the healing that you go through over one trauma may be different than another one. The important thing is to stay open to the process. In order to heal a wall that is made up of trust issues you will have to slowly let down your guard and start making efforts at communicating, sharing and being active with other people. If you have a wall of fear around success you will want to start off by putting yourself out there in small, safe ways to test the waters. Building upon small successes will give you confidence to believe in yourself little by little. If you have a wall of lack, say around making money visualize yourself receiving vast amounts of abundance. Notice any resistance, if there is some gently tell yourself that you are worthy of receiving this. The interesting thing is that you will often uncover within one wall many layers. If you have a wall of lack which creates a shortage in your life often it is because as a child you were told you were not worthy. Even well meaning parents might say something like,'people like us' (insert negative comment). This teaches that you aren't the same as everyone else and whatever it was love, money, social acceptance you are not supposed to be able to have it, and this is cemented into your subconscious. These patterns can be hard to break they are walls for a reason. They have been created by years of hard thoughts, countless thoughts layered one upon another like bricks. Yet you are the only one who can move through them. It is with your thoughts, your efforts at change, your ability to believe in something better, that healing can and will come to you that is what ultimately will move you through any wall once and for all. It takes time patience and dedication but it can happen.

Remember the formula: observe it + accept it + heal it = wall disintegration

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